New Zealand Study Visa

New Zealand Study Visa

Study in New Zealand

Study in New Zealand as it is a beautiful and unique country in the South Pacific where exciting things are happening in Education. New Zealand is becoming the first choice for an increasing number of international students seeking quality education & to explore new ideas in pioneering programmes that will put them at the front in the world job markets of the future. It is a vibrant nation offering excellent study opportunities in a safe environment, New Zealand was the first country to adopt a code of practice that sets out standards for the care of international students, in and out of the classroom thus ensuring that they are well taken care of.

Studying in New Zealand‘s Internationally respected colleges and universities offer a broad range of educational opportunities for international students. New Zealand has quality institutions including a nationwide network of English language schools as well as internationally regarded and accredited tertiary education providers. International students can study for a certificate, diploma through to masters and doctoral degrees.


  • British Based Education System
    Education programs and degrees are based on world’s most recognized and accredited system- the British System. The degrees are internationally recognized. New Zealand offers students the most prestigious education system in the world without the expense and inconvenience of living in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • World Class Institutions
    A qualification from New-Zealand University ranks with the best in the world. In a small country and in small classes, students have the rare advantage of one-on-one access to tutors- many of whom are internationally experts in their fields. A degree from a New Zealand Institution is seen as internationally desirable because students have high level of practical as well as theoretical competency when they graduate.
  • Warm and Welcoming Environment
    New Zealand is an easy and safe place to live and the residents are warm and hospitable. The New Zealanders are easy going, spontaneous, open people. In this multi-racial country, you’ll find friends quickly and feel included.
  • Globally Recognized Education
    The degrees and qualifications from New Zealand higher education institutions are known around the world as high quality and world class.
    There are wide range of study opportunities, including state administered primary, secondary schools, universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and private training establishments.
  • High Quality Living Conditions and Excellent Climatic Conditions
    While living and studying in New Zealand, you can afford great, modern, accommodation that is few minutes away from world-class study facilities. Public transport systems are good and cars are affordable. New Zealand enjoys temperate climate which is moderated by the sea’s surrounding it. This results in mild summers and cool winters. This excellent climate encourages all sorts of outdoor sports and activities.
  • World leading Courses and Degrees
    New Zealand degrees have a reputation for being practical, modern and desirable. In some niche areas such as biotechnology, forensic science and marine engineering, New Zealand degrees are best in the world.
  • Safe Country to study
    New Zealand offers a safe learning environment. It is the first country in the world to declare itself as a nuclear free zone. The environment is green, clean and uncrowded with a small populations and wide open spaces.
  • Job Opportunity
    Students are given a visa to search for a job after completion of their course and also have a good opportunity to migrate.


The major education providers are registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), ensuring that you are studying for an approved qualification that has been assessed to ensure that it is of high quality.

New Zealand education system has an international repute as a provider of quality education. It is progressive and has many contemporary educational facilities. Offering a self-learning experience, New Zealand offers a safe learning environment with superb study opportunities and academic support services for global students. Academic programs are available at all possible levels in New Zealand in a number of educational Institutions, Universities, Polytechnics Institutes of Technology, Colleges and Private Training Organizations.

Types of Institutions :

  • Universities: There are eight universities in the country and all are funded by the state. It offers a broad range of courses and degrees from Undergraduate to Doctorate.
  • Community Colleges and Technical Institutes: They offer more vocational-related curricula, with small classes, off-campus course offerings, a greater laboratory and class room space, and an interactive teaching style. Diplomas and certificates rather than degrees are offered by the colleges and the technical institutes.
  • Polytechnic institutions: The polytechnics and institutes of technology offer study for a certificate, diploma or degree. More practical and vocational courses are offered at these institutes. The colleges of education offer a degree in education and teaching.
  • Technical/ Career College: It is a owned and operated privately. It mainly prepares the students for the job market, after a short period of instruction. More emphasis is laid on practical skills, over a broad range of programs. They ensure best standards and quality of the programs.

Tertiary Education in New Zealand

  • Vocational Study: It is offered at Polytechnics, Institutes of Technology and private tertiary and training establishments. Students are awarded certificates, diplomas and degrees in a diverse range of subjects
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor’s degrees are awarded by a university after three or four years of full-time study, and lead to graduate level studies. Majority of the degree structures provide an opportunity to combine your ‘major’ subject with supporting subjects known as ‘minor’ subjects.
  • Master’s Degree: A Masters degree typically last for 2 years at university. Enrolling in a master’s program requires a three or four years bachelor’s degree with high academic standing.
  • Doctoral Degree: Requires a student to have either a Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree with Honours.

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